the hr congress presents:

5 - 6 N O V | A M S T E R D A M




2 0 2 4 P A R T N E R S


5 - 6 N O V , ‘ 2 4 | A M S T E R D A M


2 0 2 4 P A R T N E R S


Horizon SUMMIT

After the success of the 2023 summit, we are excited to bring you this truly unique event, which is designed to help CHROs and HR leaders reimagine the role of HR in the changing world of work.

The world is more chaotic and uncertain than ever before. Organizations are facing a number of challenges, including the need to attract and retain top talent, adapt to new technologies, and create a more inclusive workplace. HR leaders play a critical role in helping organizations overcome these challenges and thrive in the changing world of work.
This summit will bring together leading thought leaders and 500 practitioners in the HR field to share their insights on how to reimagine HR.

We will explore topics such as:

We believe that HR has the potential to be a powerful force for positive change in the world. By reimagining HR, we can create workplaces where employees can thrive, organizations succeed, societies flourish. We hope you will join us for this exciting event.  Together, we can reimagine HR and build a better future for all.  >> CHECK OUT THE 2023 AFTERMOVIE. 


Chief HR Officer / member Executive Committee – CORBION
HORIZON 2023 Chair, Founder and Chief Energy Officer – PTHR
Professor of Leadership – EDHEC BUSINESS SCHOOL, TedxSpeaker, YouTuber
Chief Human Resources Officer – BARILLA
Group Chief People Officer – UNIQA INSURANCE GROUP
Chief Human Resources Officer – ALLIANDER
Global Chief People & Sustainability Officer – TINSA GROUP
Chief People and Transformation Officer – A2A
. . . And Many More.


The Horizon Summit 2024 Agenda is meticulously crafted to reflect on the most pressing challenges confronting people and professionals today. 

We’re addressing several megatrends that are reshaping the work landscape and tackle these critical issues head-on, preparing you and your organisation to thrive in these turbulent times.

Topics include:

We firmly believe in the transformative power of HR as a force for positive change in the world. By reimagining HR, we can create workplaces where employees flourish, organizations succeed, and societies thrive. Join us for this inspiring event.


8:30 am


8:30 am

Welcome Back to Day Two!

"Welcome back to Day Two of  the HORIZON SUMMIT! Before we begin, grab a cup of coffee or tea and take a moment to explore our exhibiting partners. Your learning journey continues!"

4:00 pm


4:00 pm

END OF SUMMIT - Bon Voyage

"As the summit comes to a close, we hope you had an enriching experience. Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to seeing you next time!"

5:30 pm

Networking Reception

5:30 pm

Networking Reception

"Join us for a dynamic networking reception! Reflect on insights, engage in meaningful conversations, exchange ideas, and continue building your professional network. Don't miss this opportunity to connect and grow."

3:00 pm

Afternoon Coffee & Networking Break

3:00 pm

Afternoon Coffee & Networking Break

"Time for a cup of coffee or tea! Visit the exhibitors and enjoy the conversations with fellow conference attendees!"

12:15 pm

Lunch & Networking Break

12:15 pm

Lunch & Networking Break

"Enjoy a rich buffet lunch by Hilton - visit the exhibitors and continue networking!"

10:00 am

Morning Coffee & Networking Break

10:00 am

Morning Coffee & Networking Break

"Time for a cup of coffee or tea! Visit the exhibitors and enjoy the conversations with fellow conference attendees!"

3:30 pm


3:30 pm

Keynote: The Hidden Truth About Workplace Happiness: What HR Needs to Know

ALEXANDER KJERULF, Founder and Chief Happiness Officer - WOOHOO INC, Co-Founder - HEARTCOUNT

"Happy companies make more money. Simple, right? Yet so many businesses get it wrong. They waste time on perks and bonuses, missing what truly matters. In half an hour, we'll cut through the noise and give HR leaders the real tools to build a happy, productive workplace. Spoiler: It’s not about the money. It’s about doing the simple, effective things that matter. We'll tackle the following:

  • What is happiness at work? Hint: It’s not just job satisfaction.
  • What really makes employees happy? (And no, it’s not perks or raises.)
  • The business case: Why happy companies make more money.
  • Debunking the most pernicious myths about workplace happiness.
  • Practical, easy-to-implement tools to make employees happier.
  • How you empower employees to take ownership of their happiness

4:00 pm

Closing Remarks, End of Congress

PERRY TIMMS, HORIZON 2023 Chair, Founder and Chief Energy Officer - PTHR


1:30 pm

HR as a Strategic Partner: Maximizing Impact on Organizational Performance

1:30 pm

Welcome & Opening remarks


1:35 pm

Strategic Collaboration: HR Business Partnering for Success

AINO OKKERI, Global SVP, Division Head of HR, Robotics - ABB

"In this presentation, we will delve into a case study outlining the process of establishing annual HR targets and priorities within Division Marine & Ports. We will explore how these objectives are aligned with both Business and People Strategy and detail our thorough progress tracking methods. This model is meticulously planned and implemented in close collaboration with HRBPs and business stakeholders."

2:05 pm

New Economy, Evolving Organisations, Reimagined HR

BURCU BOYALI, Global Senior Director, HR Process - JLL

"In this stimulating presentation, we will examine how the New Economy necessitates a fresh outlook on organisations and HR. Discover groundbreaking approaches, disruptive technologies, and cultural shifts that are reshaping HR's paradigm to empower organisations in fostering a blend of purpose-driven and high-performing environments."

2:35 pm

Panel Discussion: How Can Impactful Engagement Drive Organizational Performance?

"Join us for a dynamic panel discussion exploring the transformative power of impactful engagement in driving organizational performance. Our panellists will share insights and strategies on how organizations can leverage engagement initiatives to achieve sustainable growth and success. Key Questions:

  • What are the key components of impactful engagement that directly contribute to enhanced organizational performance?
  • What role does leadership play in fostering a culture of engagement that translates into improved organizational performance?
  • In what ways can coaching elevate employee engagement and lead to better organizational results?

1:30 pm

Wellbeing Reimagined: Thriving Workforce

1:30 pm

Welcome & Opening remarks


1:35 pm

Ahlstrom's Wellbeing Transformation: Redefining Organizational Culture

MARY PUDDEPHA, Chief People Officer - AHLSTROM

"In 2021, Ahlstrom set a goal to become a top 10% employer in the industrial manufacturing sector by the end of 2025 as part of our growth transformation journey to 2026. Rather than take a ‘top down’ approach, we implemented localized strategies across 37 plants and saw a notable increase in the eNPS from 8 to 28 within 18 months. This presentation delves into how factors like increased management visibility, recognition and learning opportunities were key in achieving this milestone. By prioritizing physical and mental safety, enhancing facilities and nurturing workplace culture, we successfully cultivated positive engagement and communication, leading to a significant improvement in overall employee wellbeing and satisfaction."

2:05 pm

Balancing Work and Life: Creating Family-Friendly Workplaces

CHRISTELLE BENETEAU, Chief People Officer (CPO) and Executive Committee Member - FERRING PHARMACEUTICALS

"Ferring's global program, launched two years ago, offers free support to employees worldwide on their family-building journey. In this presentation, we will explore the program's comprehensive benefits, including financial fertility support (IVF, adoption, surrogacy), 26 weeks of parental leave for all parents, and various awareness programs."

2:35 pm

Panel Discussion: How Can Wellbeing Prevail? Navigating Modern Employment and Tech Shifts

MARIA BIANCA TULUMELLO, Chief Human Resources Officer - BARILLA

"In this panel, we delve into the important role of HR leaders in fostering employee wellbeing and organizational resilience amidst evolving job markets and technological shifts. Key Questions:

  • How can HR leaders proactively support employee wellbeing and resilience in the face of precarious employment/tech trends?
  • How can leaders enhance their emotional intelligence to better connect with employees, understand their needs and promote a positive workplace culture?
  • How can HR leaders' partner with other business functions to create a holistic, organization-wide approach to employee wellbeing that addresses physical, mental, social, and financial dimensions?

10:45 am

6th Nov, MASTERCLASS with Alex Kjerulf: How to build Happiness DNA

10:45 am

MASTERCLASS: How to build Happiness DNA: 10 Strategies for Thriving Workplaces

ALEXANDER KJERULF, Founder and Chief Happiness Officer - WOOHOO INC, Co-Founder - HEARTCOUNT

"Studies clearly show that happy companies make more money but how do you achieve that in practice? If you want to build a happy workplace, you have to take happiness seriously – paradoxical as that may sound – and make sure that happiness becomes part of the company's strategy. In this workshop Alex will share 10 ways that the world’s best and most successful workplaces have built happiness into their DNA by making it one of their top strategic priorities. Learn – among many other tips – why and how your company should:

  • Hire for happiness
  • Appoint a CHO (Chief Happiness Officer)
  • Plan for happiness
  • Measure and promote happiness, not satisfaction
  • Promote and train managers for happiness

1:30 pm

6th Nov, MASTERCLASS with Adam Gibson: Strategic Workforce Planning at the Age of AI

1:30 pm

MASTERCLASS: Strategic Workforce Planning in the Age of AI and Automation


"This masterclass will delve into the strategic planning necessary for preparing a workforce to integrate AI and automation. Participants will learn how to forecast future skill requirements, develop a resilient talent pipeline, and create an adaptable workforce that can thrive alongside AI and automation technologies.   Key Takeaways:  

  • Techniques for strategic workforce planning and forecasting
  • Identifying and developing critical skills for the future
  • Case studies of successful AI integration in workforce planning

1:30 pm

5th Nov, MASTERCLASS with Debray Corey: Communicating with IMPACT

1:30 pm

MASTERCLASS: Communicating with IMPACT: Effectively Engage the Hearts and Minds of Your People

DEBRA COREY, Chief Pay It Forward Officer - DebCo HR LTD

"In today's competitive landscape, communication plays an important role in attracting, retaining and engaging your people. This masterclass provides a comprehensive guide to developing and delivering impactful communication messages and campaigns, ensuring you have the knowledge, skills and tools needed to achieve your goals. By introducing the six-step 'IMPACT' model, you will learn how to understand employee communication needs, set clear objectives, choose the right communication mediums, plan detailed campaigns and measure their success. This masterclass combines theoretical insights with practical tools that we will bring to life by working through a hypothetical communication campaign. You'll leave equipped and ready to engage the hearts and minds of your people through effective communication messages and campaigns. Key Takeaways:

  • The importance of communication to your business and to your workforce.
  • How you can develop your communications strategy and approach.
  • How to follow the six-step IMPACT communication model to deliver your communication messages effectively.
  • How you can communicate to a diverse workforce in this new world of work.

10:45 am

Coaching Excellence: Unlocking Employee Potential

10:45 am

Welcome & Opening remarks



10:50 am

Coaching for Talent: Building Resilience and Adaptability


"Explore coaching techniques to enhance employee performance in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment. Learn how to empower individuals to build resilience and adaptability, ensuring long-term success in ever-changing work settings."

11:20 am

Agile Coaching: Preparing for Tomorrow, Today


11:50 am

Panel Discussion: Transformative Coaching: Driving Engagement and Retention

"In today's competitive world, coaching plays an important role in helping employees reach their full potential. However, HR professionals often face challenges like resistance to change and limited resources. Overcoming these obstacles, organizations can create effective coaching programs that boost engagement and resilience. Panelists will share ways to align coaching with personal and professional growth, driving employee commitment and exploring innovative strategies for organizational success."

10:45 am

HR and Leadership Reimagined: Empowered by Science and Evidence

10:45 am

Welcome & Opening remarks


10:50 am

Good to Great: Transforming HR with Analytics

"Explore how strategic people analytics can transform HR practices. Learn to utilize data-driven insights to elevate team performance, enhance decision-making, and drive organizational success."

11:20 am

The Future of HR: Embracing Data-Driven Talent Management

"The future of HR lies in embracing data-driven strategies for talent management. By leveraging predictive analytics, AI, and personalized employee experiences, HR can drive organizational success and build a future-ready workforce."

11:50 am

Panel Discussion: Future Insights: Predictive Analytics in HR

"Join experts to explore how predictive analytics can foresee employee needs and prevent turnover. Learn from real cases and discuss the ethical considerations and potential risks involved."

3:45 pm

Beyond Performance Management: Cultivating a Culture of Freedom to Flourish

3:45 pm

Welcome & Opening remarks


3:50 pm



4:20 pm



4:50 pm



5:15 pm

End of Day One


3:45 pm

The Talent Code: Rethinking Management Strategies

3:45 pm

Welcome & Opening remarks


3:50 pm

Talent Engagement Redefined: Cultivating Commitment

MARKÉTA ALEŠOVÁ, Vice President Global Talent and Diversity - E.ON

"Reimagine talent engagement in the modern workplace. Discover innovative approaches to foster employee commitment, motivation and alignment with organizational goals for sustained high performance."

4:20 pm

Recruiting vs Dating


"This presentation explores parallels between recruitment and dating, offering fresh insights amid complexity. Drawing from business psychology and HR management experience, it'll share innovative strategies to attract talent efficiently. With engaging delivery, this session aims to inform and inspire."

4:50 pm

Panel Discussion: In Tune with Tomorrow's Talent: What Really Matters

MAURO GHILARDI, Chief People and Transformation Officer - A2A

"Join our panel of industry experts to explore the evolving landscape of talent needs. Discuss the impact of AI, the rise of new roles, innovative reward systems, remote work, employee-centric flexibility and other upcoming trends shaping the future workforce. Key Questions:

  • What are the key capabilities and skills required to win in the future and how can organizations make sure that they have a deep bench of high-performing talent?
  • How can organizations effectively integrate AI into their talent strategies to enhance workforce productivity and innovation?
  • In what ways can organizations optimize reward systems and foster employee-centric flexibility to attract and retain top talent in a hybrid setting?

5:15 pm

End of Day One


3:45 pm

AI-HR Fusion: Transforming the Future of Work

3:45 pm

Welcome & Opening remarks


3:50 pm

AI Meets Human Capital: Will You Be Hired by AI?

ROB GARLICK, Head of Innovation, Technology & the Future of Work - CITI GLOBAL INSIGHTS

"In today's competitive job market, with LinkedIn receiving 117 job applications per second, AI tools are revolutionizing the hiring process. From matching to sorting CVs and measuring diversity, AI offers solutions for both HRs and job seekers, potentially shaping 90% of future hires."

4:20 pm

Future of Work is Inner Work

PETER VAN HOOF, Head of HR EFE, Liquid Products - ED&F MAN

"In this session, we'll explore:

  • How will AI change our jobs and work in general?
  • How will AI impact the HR-landscape?
  • Why and how should organisations and thus the HR-apparatus change their mindset and ways of operating in the fast-changing world?

4:50 pm

Panel Discussion: AI and I: Striking the Right Balance

"Discuss the integration of AI in HR and maintaining the human element in people management. Key Questions: • How can HR ensure AI tools complement rather than replace human roles? • What are the best practices for training employees to work alongside AI? • How can companies mitigate biases in AI algorithms?"

5:15 pm

End of Day One


1:30 pm

DEI Redefined: Thriving for Organizational Success

1:30 pm

Welcome & Opening remarks


1:35 pm


HANNAH PERRY, Chief Diversity & Culture Officer - NOVARTIS


2:05 pm

Mission: Inclusion - Thriving Together


"Discover innovative strategies to foster diversity and inclusion within your organization, empowering all employees to succeed and creating a cohesive, thriving workplace culture that drives business success and growth."

2:35 pm

Inclusive Intelligence: How to be a Role Model for Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

FURKAN KARAYEL, Author, Speaker, Lecturer and Founder - DIVERSEIN.COM

"Inclusive Intelligence merges Emotional Intelligence and Inclusive Leadership. Grounded in extensive research and interviews, it unveils how certain leaders embody inclusive practices organically, offering insights and strategies for fostering inclusion in everyday leadership. In this presentation, we will delve deeper into these findings and explore practical applications."

1:30 pm

Skills and Learning Development: Futureproofing Workforce

1:30 pm

Welcome & Opening remarks


1:35 pm

Empowering the Adaptable Workforce: Reskilling and Upskilling

"This presentation explores how organizations can future-proof their workforce by implementing effective reskilling and upskilling initiatives that enable employees to adapt to changing job requirements and technological advancements"

2:05 pm

Case Study: Insights from NOKIA, Navigating Skills-Based Transformation in Modern Organizations

ANDREA ILLES, Global Head of People (Cloud and Network Services) - NOKIA

"This session provides valuable insights from NOKIA on navigating the complexities of the modern workplace by focusing on a skills-based approach. Learn how leveraging data analytics and fostering a culture of continuous learning, a key driver of success in today’s dynamic business environment, can help your organization become more flexible, innovative, and resilient."

2:35 pm

Panel Discussion: Skills of Tomorrow: What’s Next for the Workforce?

ROBERT HOUGHTON, Head of Learning and Development - STRABAG UK
LOURDES PANTALEON, Director of Talent Management, Learning & Performance - FISKARS GROUP
CLAUDIA FISCHER, Director, HR Excellence & Future of Work - INGREDION INCORPORATED

"Experts discuss the future skills landscape and how organizations can prepare their workforce. Key Questions:

  • What are the critical skills for the future of work?
  • How can organizations identify and address skill gaps?
  • What role does technology play in learning and development?

10:45 am

From Change Management to Change Agility

10:45 am

Welcome & Opening remarks


10:50 am

Change Leadership: HR's Toolkit for Innovation

ANDRÉS ARIAS, Group Head of HR Innovation & Transformation - HOLCIM

"This session empowers HR to become agents of transformation. Gain insights into fostering a mindset of adaptability and leading successful change initiatives in today's dynamic business landscape."

11:20 am

Transforming Organizational Design: Building a Decentralized, Agile and Connected System


"Aspen trees, connected by strong roots, inspire our new organizational design. Our empowered business units (the "trees") are linked by a streamlined strategic center (the "roots"). This decentralized model improves speed, agility, and collaboration, transforming our HR CoE into a more effective partner"

11:50 am

Panel Discussion: Who Moved My Cheese? Strategies for Cultural Transformation

TERESA COELHO, Global Chief People & Sustainability Officer - TINSA GROUP
HEIKE MENSI-KLARBACH, Head of Group People and Organisational Innovation - RAIFFEISEN BANK INTERNATIONAL AG

"• How can leaders effectively communicate the vision and benefits of cultural transformation to gain buy-in? • What are the most effective ways to sustain cultural change over the long term?"

10:45 am

HR & Leadership Agility: Thriving Amidst Turbulence

10:45 am

Welcome & Opening remarks


10:50 am

The 3 A's of Being a Great Boss

DEBRA COREY, Chief Pay It Forward Officer - DebCo HR LTD

"With 99.6% of people saying they've had a bad boss and 80% of bosses admitting having been a bad boss, we have a problem. In this session we’ll dig deeper into this, sharing the reasons it’s happening and tools required in this new world of work to be a great boss."

11:20 am

Accelerate Strategy Execution by Scaling Leadership Development

WILLEM-BART OVERHAND, Global Head Leadership, Talent & Learning - ROBECO

"In this session, we will address:

  • What is leadership?
  • Why is Leadership development crucial to strategy execution?
  • What is actually leadership development (it’s not developing leaders)?
  • How to develop leadership at scale?

11:50 am

Panel Discussion: Leading with Agility and Resilience: The HR Power Play

KIKI VAN DEN BERG, Global Director Human Resources - RABOBANK
MASHA VIS-MERTENS, Chief HR Officer / member Executive Committee - CORBION

"Explore how HR can drive agility and resilience within organizations, adapting to change and ensuring sustained performance in a dynamic business environment. Key Questions:

  • What strategies can HR implement to foster an agile organizational culture?
  • How can HR support employees in building resilience amid constant change?
  • What role does leadership play in promoting agility and resilience through HR initiatives?

9:00 am


9:00 am

Welcome & Opening Remarks

PERRY TIMMS, HORIZON 2023 Chair, Founder and Chief Energy Officer - PTHR


9:00 am

Welcome and Opening Remarks

PERRY TIMMS, HORIZON 2023 Chair, Founder and Chief Energy Officer - PTHR


9:05 am

Keynote: Unleashing Your Greatness - In A Changing World

BUHLE DLAMINI, Professional Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur

"As the world changes around us, the future of work will affect the way we lead, work and win. In this inspirational presentation, Buhle helps you unlock the keys to unleash the greatness in your people in a changing world. It will help you to discover how to stand out and reach your full potential as an individual, team and organization. This presentation will:

  • Inspire you to find your team's distinction and use it for success into the future.
  • Challenge you to set a higher standard for success and performance.
  • Help you turn your values into behaviours that drive your culture.
  • Equip you to cultivate an attitude that leads to success and growth.
  • Give you the needed momentum to re-imagine the future in Bionic Business World.

9:10 am

Keynote: Julia Millner

JULIA MILNER, Professor of Leadership - EDHEC BUSINESS SCHOOL, TedxSpeaker, YouTuber


9:35 am

Keynote: ICF – Magdalena Nowicka Mook



9:40 am

Plenary CHRO Panel: Chaos Surfing: The CHRO's New Superpower

SANDRINE GIRSZYN, Chief Human Resources Officer Headquarters - AXA

"In an era of constant flux, CHROs must become masters of adaptation. This panel of distinguished leaders will unveil strategies to cultivate resilient leadership, nurture evolving corporate cultures and implement change with both heart and resolve. Learn to transform challenges into catalysts for growth and uncertainty into innovation. Key Questions:

  • How can CHROs develop adaptive leadership skills that turn volatility into a competitive advantage?
  • What strategies can be employed to create a corporate culture that thrives on change rather than resists it?
  • How do we strike the right balance between empathetic leadership and decisive action in times of rapid transformation?

8:30 am


8:30 am


"Collect your badge and join us for a cup of coffee or tea"



HORIZON SUMMIT will be held at the extraordinary Hilton Amsterdam Airport Schiphol


As the chosen venue for this prestigious conference, this hotel stands apart from the rest, redefining the very essence of what a conference hotel should be. With visionary and inspirational design, it sets the perfect stage for an event of this caliber.

Amsterdam is renowned for its picturesque canals, historic architecture, and progressive spirit,
the city offers an unparalleled backdrop for this premier conference. As a global
hub of innovation and creativity, the city is the perfect setting to explore the latest
trends and advancements in diverse fields.

Immerse yourself in an atmosphere that fosters collaboration and forward-thinking
discussions. From world-class museums to cutting-edge technology hubs,
Amsterdam encapsulates the essence of progress and inspiration. 

Amsterdam and the HORIZON SUMMIT awaits you!


Gain access to general summit session, pre conference workshops, thought leader masterclasses! If you would like to register 5 people or more, contact us for Group Discounts. All pricing is subject to 21% Dutch VAT.
Summit Participation is open for currently employed, corporate HR practitioners. If you are a solution provider or consultant, please contact us for available options.

If you would like to bring a group (3+ tickets) complete this form for special Group Discounts.


€ 1,695

Book before 30th Aug
Standard Rate: € 1,995


Access to plenary sessions
Access to summit tracks
Access to networking

€ 2,495

Book before 30th Aug
Standard Rate: € 2,995


Access to plenary sessions
Access to summit tracks
Access to networking
Access to all masterclasses
Priority Registration

Exclusive, CHRO FREE TicketS


Unlock VIP privileges! If you fulfil all of the following criteria, you could be eligible for a complimentary pass:

All pricing is subject to 21% Dutch VAT
Exclusive Access / Complimentary Entry
Unlock VIP privileges! If you hold the position of Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) within organizations based in Western Europe with a workforce exceeding 2,500 employees in the private sector, you could be eligible for a complimentary pass. Enjoy the benefits of exclusive access tailored to your executive role.


In case of any questions, get in touch with us and we shall make sure you will receive a response from one of our team members in maximum 2 business days.
2023 Photos